Publications on the Dog and Cat Meat Trade in Southeast Asia
FOUR PAWS' reports and recommendations
Together with local partners, FOUR PAWS applies substantial effort into investigation work and research. Here, you can find all our reports providing insights into the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia, focusing on Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Highway to Hell
An investigation into the illegal trade of dogs and cats through Ha Tinh province, Vietnam

Ending the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Campaign Highlights 2023
A summary of FOUR PAWS' success in Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia in 2023

The Dog and Cat Meat Trade: A Global Health Risk
A FOUR PAWS report identifying the links between the dog and cat meat and the potential to spread deadly diseases. February, 2021

Mengakhiri Perdagangan Daging Anjing di Daerah Ibu Kota Baru Indonesia
Laporan Investigasi Perdagangan Anjing Brutal untuk Daging di Balikpapan, Indonesia 2021(Bahasa)

Perdagangan Daging Anjing dan Kucing: Global Resiko Kesehatan (Bhasa)
A FOUR PAWS report identifying the links between the dog and cat meat and the potential to spread deadly diseases. February, 2021

A summary report on Dog and Cat Meat Consumption in Vietnam
Results from a FOUR PAWS research project identifying the prevalence of dog and cat meat in Vietnam and consumer attitudes towards the trade. October, 2021.

A Threat to Animals and People
A FOUR PAWS report on the dog and cat meat trade in Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia, and recommendations to end the trade. February, 2020.

Victims of a Hidden Trade in Vietnam
A collaborative report with investigative findings into Vietnam’s cat meat trade and recommendations for change. August, 2020.

A Summary Report on Dog Meat Consumption in Cambodia
Results from a FOUR PAWS research project identifying the prevalence of dog and cat meat in Cambodia and consumer attitudes towards the trade. July, 2020

Dog Meat Trade 2019 – Key findings of investigation in Siem Reap
A collaborative report investigation the dog meat "hot spot" of Siem Reap

An Investigative Report into the Trade of Dogs for Meat in Balikpapan, Indonesia
Ending the Dog Meat Trade in Indonesia’s New Capital Region

Dog and Cat Meat Trade Campaign Highlights 2022
Ending the dog and cat meat trade will save the lives of millions of companion animals that will otherwise face unspeakable suffering. It will also help safeguard the health and safety of millions of people. Together with our supporters, we are making powerful, lasting change! Here are the latest successes.
Based on extensive research, investigations and on-the-ground experience, FOUR PAWS encourages the governments of Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam to take action! The dog and cat meat trade has to end!